The Clueless Girl's Guide To Decoding 'Star Wars' Memes

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens on Thursday. And, even if you're the kind of Star Wars fan who doesn't like the prequels, you can at least admit that some of the memes that spawned from them are funny. This is Where the Fun Begins is an image macro series featuring a screen capture of the character Anakin Skywalker from a scene in the 2005 film Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith.

Without Anakin's hatred of sand, the theory goes, he would've never taken Emperor Palpatine's job offer and killed all of those younglings that were training in the Jedi Temple. The memes' popularity in part stems from the fact that the Star Wars prequels are generally considered to be ‘bad' movies.

Not exactly what we would expect either, this meme perfectly points out we should have since Obi-Wan and Yoda before him went into hiding after they were unable to stop the rise of a Sith Lord. Because prequels were released in 1999 (The Phantom Menace), 2002 (Attack Of The Clones), and 2005 (Revenge Of The Sith), the original trilogy has become known as Episodes IV, V, and VI, with the prequels being Episodes I, II, and III.

Among the fans of The Dark Knight films, sheev posting typically takes Steam the form of image macros and photoshopped parodies based on still images of the character as portrayed in the franchise, most notably scenes from Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith wherein Palpatine reveals himself as a Sith Lord.

A fantastic example of pointing out the obvious, combining two things we know about Star Wars makes for a hilarious time. These are some of my very favorite Star Wars: The Force Awakens memes, but I'd love to know yours. But it's not just the first movie, but all of the Star Wars franchise that is as adept at being fodder for memes as they are at being box office draws.

Prequel Memes refer to a series of image macros and photoshop memes that deal exclusively with images, lines, or content from the Star Wars prequel films: Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.

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